Monday, November 03, 2008

Blogs! Random! Blogs!

Let me start this entry by saying that I'm new here! Hehehe... And that my target readers are Pinoys or Filipinos or Pilipinos that are bored with their lame lives! Just kidding! Well, to tell you the truth, I'm the one who is bored here! That's why I created this crappy blog that I wished to sell out to as many people as possible. Parang business lang ha!

I already have a friendster and a multiply account and in each of those I have a blog area wherein I write most of what my brain dictates me to write. My friendster blog was definitely a flat zero blog account. Nobody reads it and nobody wants to read it, much to my disdain. As to my multiply account, my blog was a much better success compared to my friendster blog. I was happy with my multiply blog, but apparently I don't feel like I am getting to anyone there. (Well except of course to my contacts because my setting is set for my contacts to view all my blog entries)

Now maybe you are wondering right now why I registered in this blog website thingy (I don't know it's appropirate name so forgive me for calling it like this) right? I registered here because of a famous celebrity here in the Philippines that was featured in one of the cable channels here that I happened to see. He actually has one account here and writes in his blog, I guess, almost on a regular basis. Now I don't want to reveal who he really is because he might actually come to read this post and might discover that he is my inspiration for doing this thing called blogging here! Hehehe... How embarassing! Well, I've counted the odds of him seeing my blog, particularly this blog entry, and I've come to this result that he will never see it even a billion years after his death. (He's dead alright! I know! I'll give him peace!)

So what's with the name of the blog? Why call your blog, 'Nevertheless, this is different!'? Well because this is not your average ordinary blog! I don't know the universal meaning of blog and I'm too lazy to go search for its meaning, so I assigned my own meaning to it! For me, a blog means an online journal. Wait, there is no solid-like blog now is there? Well if there is, just post a comment on this and correct me will ya? Thanks! Ahem! As I was saying, a blog for me is an online journal. Online means that an internet connection is needed to operate. A journal means that it is like a diary where you place all of what you had experienced in your life. So with this meaning, I will deviate a little by putting in not just my experiences, but also a whole more stuff! Trust me, oftentimes it will be RANDOM. So I have to warn you now people! There's one crazy little person here that is about to spread some of her craziness to you! Hehehe...

Soon, I'll be sharing things to you. Good. Bad. Whatever it is, definitely must be random.


  1. Hi, Can we exchange links? :-D

  2. Hi Hari! How are we gonna do that? Hehehe... You see, I really don't know how you operate this thing yet. What are links anyway? What are links for?

  3. Yo hon! check out my blogspot: pero pagkain. hahahaha! anyway, goodluck to our blogs! ;)
