Saturday, January 10, 2009

Embarassing photos are fun to tell

I am proud.

Yes I am proud! I am proud of my embarassing photos! Hahaha!!! I am at my happiest (or saddest) in my embarassing photos because it shows the true me. So it's either you make fun of me, doodle on my pictures, puke, or accept me for who I am.

In each of my embarassing pictures, there is a story to tell, so let me share you all that is to tell about my pictures.

This picture was taken by my friend Dul. (see my older

posts to know her) I remember that Mia and I were supposed to follow a script here (like pretend to be someone) but we ended up laughing.

This picture never fails to give me a giggle. I remember that I was so prepared to take a picture with these two but I never heard the camera 'clicking' and so I decided to let go of my pose already, but unfortunately the camera just suddenly 'clicked' and an awkward pose of me was taken instead!

I look so 'dugyutin' and dumb here. Hahaha! This was taken in Goldilocks at EspaƱa. This was after I found out that there were no classes that day. I was so frustrated because I went to school for nothing! I even studied for our quiz! Damn!

This was photoshopped by Mia. She wrote the 'Iisa pa lamang' there because according to her it can be a theatrical poster of the said show. Well for me it is just plain embarassing. I look like I am about to spit something! This was supposed to be romantic but it became a disastrous picture because of ME!

This was in Corregidor. Jologs is in for me but not for other people. I was wearing my sister's ray ban shades there. I thought I was cool, but the pictures told me otherwise. My friend Jem (the guy on the left) already told me (or warned me) that I look blind but that didn't stopped me to keep on wearing those shades.

This was back when we were in first year. Jem and See (some classmates of ours) decided to treat us for lunch. We were having this usual picture taking-as-a-souvenir thing. Sadly, I focused too much on the bottle of pepper that I forgot to drop it when this picture was taken. And oh, I also forgot to smile! Hehehe...

These are just some of my embarassing pictures. It'll take too much space if I include everything here so I'll just add the others some other time.

I hope I made you laugh (even just a bit) with my humiliating pictures.

***Photos are from Jem and Mia

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